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Eastern Europe M&A Reports

Our EMIS Insights M&A reports provide analytical summary of mergers and acquisitions activity in key emerging regions and countries. Data is collected from sources such as company press releases, advisory submissions, stock exchange disclosures, business publications, and other.

The report contents include regional and country overviews of M&A by deal volume and value, activity by sectors, foreign investors, private equity, valuation trends, top M&A deals and IPOs, advisory league tables, analysis of latest developments and future expectations.

The reports are published each quarter. Most of the data is cumulative, spanning the full period covered by the report.

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Emerging Europe M&A Overview Report Q1-Q3 2017 - Page 1
Emerging Europe M&A Overview Report Q1-Q3 2017 EMIS M&A Reports

The third quarter of 2017 saw some very large foreign deals coming from China, USA, Australia and the UK, which nearly doubled the value of cross-border activity from H1 to EUR 22.5bn. Overall for the nine months, deals in the Emerging Europe region ...

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USD 195 Date: October 2017 Language: English
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Emerging Europe M&A Overview Report H1 2017 - Page 1
Emerging Europe M&A Overview Report H1 2017 EMIS M&A Reports

After the strong start of 2017, in Q2 M&A deals in the Emerging Europe region plunged to 428 for a total of EUR 10.9bn, marking one of the slowest quarters in the past three years. Overall for the first six months, there were 946 M&A deals ...

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USD 195 Date: July 2017 Language: English
Format: PDF
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